Peer-reviewed articles
Giardino GV, Cosentino M, Macchi AC, Loureiro JP, Rodriguez Heredia S, Alvarez KC, Moron SG, Rodriguez DH. Detailed comparison of acoustic signals from rehabilitated and wild franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) dolphins. Animals. PDF
da Cruz Albino R, Brimble MA, Zdenek C, Vandenbroeck K, Masud S, Zhang X, Cosentino M et al Preventing bad behavior in academia. Science. PDF
Cosentino M, Marcolin C, Griffiths E, Sanchez-Cami E, Tougaard J. Dolphin and porpoise detections by the F-POD are not independent: implications for sympatric species monitoring. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America PDF
Owen K, Carlström J, Eriksson P, Andersson M, Nordström R, Lalander E, Sveegaard S, Kyhn L, Griffiths E, Cosentino M, Tougaard J. Rerouting of a major shipping lane through important harbour porpoise habitat caused no detectable change in annual occurrence or foraging patterns. Marine Pollution Bulletin PDF
Carlen I, Cosentino M. High-frequency pingers do not increase catch loss due to seals in the Baltic Sea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. PDF
Modino R, Cosentino M. Conservation hub: the added value of the whale watching industry. Sustainability. PDF
Ingram D, Prideaux M, Hodgins N, Frisch-Nwakanma H, Avila IC, Collins T, Cosentino M, et al Widespread use of migratory megafauna for aquatic wild meat in the tropics and subtropics. Frontiers in Marine Science PDF
Cosentino M, Nairn D, Coscarella M, Jackson J & Windmill J. I beg you pardon? Acoustic behaviour of a wild solitary common dolphin who interacts with harbour porpoises. Bioacoustics PDF
Cosentino M & Oria, N. Insights into the foraging behaviour of an understudied orca population. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals PDF
Cosentino M & Souviron-Priego, L. Think of the Early career researchers! Saving the oceans through collaborations. Frontiers in Marine Science. PDF
Cosentino M, Guarato F, Tougaard J, Nairn D, Jackson J & Windmill J.. Porpoise Click Classifier (PorCC): a high-accuracy classifier to study harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the wild. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. PDF
Thaler A, Rose N, Cosentino M & Wright A.. Lions, whales and the web: Transforming moment inertia into conservation action. Frontiers in Marine Science. PDF
Cosentino M & Fisher S.. The utilization of aquatic bushmeat from small cetaceans and manatees in South America and West Africa. Frontiers in Marine Science PDF
Cosentino M. Effects of whale watching vessels on adult male sperm whales off Andenes, Norway. Tourism in Marine Environments PDF
Cosentino M & Veríssimo D. Ending the citation of retracted papers. Conservation Biology PDF
Cosentino M. First record of Norwegian killer whales attacking and feeding on a harbour porpoise. Marine Biodiversity Records PDF
Wright AJ & Cosentino M. JNCC guidelines for minimising the risk of injury and disturbance to marine mammals from seismic surveys: we can do better. Marine Pollution Bulletin PDF
Parsons ECM, Baulch S, Bechshoft T, Bellazzi G, Bouchet P, Boutros de Mello A, Cosentino M, et al. Key research questions of global importance for cetacean conservation. Endangered Species Research. PDF
New L, Hall A, Harcourt R, Kaufman G, Parsons ECM, Pearsons HC, Cosentino M & Schick RS. The modelling and assessment of whale-watching impacts. Ocean Coastal Management PDF
Book chapters
Cosentino M, Tougaard J, Wahlberg M. Background Background Noise Impacts Harbor Porpoise Detections in Passive Acoustic Monitoring. In Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. PDF
Giardino G, Cosentino, M., Buscaino G, Bastida R, Rodríguez D. First acoustic detection of Franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) near of artisanal fishing nets in southern coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. PDF
Contributions to:
UNEP/CMS/Decisions 13.64 to 13.65 - Aquatic Wild Meat
UNEP/CMS/Resolution 12.15, Aquatic Wild Meat - Adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its 12th Meeting (Manila, October 2017)
Bill for the creation of a cetacean sanctuary in Argentine waters
Cosentino M, Tougaard J, Dähne M, Kyhn L. 2023. DETECTION FUNCTION USING SIMULTANEOUS DRONE VIDEOS AND ACOUSTIC RECORDINGS. Report to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. PDF
Tougaard J, Griffiths E, Ladegaard M, Findlay C, Cosentino M, Sveegaard S, Kyhn L, Carlström J, Owen K, Eriksson P. 2023. EFFECTS OF REROUTING SHIPPING LANES IN KATTEGAT ON THE UNDERWATER SOUNDSCAPE: Report to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency on EMFF project TANGO. PDF
Wright AJ, Robertson F & Cosentino M. (Eds). 2016. Incorporating new mitigation technologies into guidelines for seismic surveys and other underwater acoustic activities: Producing performance standards. Marine Species and Threats, Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. PDF
An Y.-R, Baldwin R, Bjorge A, Cosentino M, Donovan G et al. 2012. IWC Scientific Committee Workshop on interactions between marine renewable projects and cetaceans worldwide. Information Paper SC/64/Rep6 Rev1. / International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee. 32pp PDF
Conference presentations
Cosentino M, Guarato F, Tougaard J, Nairn D, Jackson J, Windmill J. PorCC: A new high-accuracy click classifier to study harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the wild. The 15th Danish Marine Mammal Symposium.
Cosentino M, Nairn D & Windmill, JFC. 2018. Whatcha saying? Evidence of production learning in a solitary common dolphin during interspecific interactions with a harbour porpoise. Poster presentation. European Cetacean Society Conference, La Spezia, Italy.
Cosentino M, Fisher S & Frey S. 2016. Marine bushmeat derived from small cetaceans in West Africa. Paper SC/SM/01. Presented at International Whaling Commission Annual Meeting. Bled, Slovenia.
Cosentino M & Fisher S. 2016. Marine bushmeat derived from small cetaceans in Latin America. Paper SC/SM/02. Presented at International Whaling Commission Annual Meeting. Bled, Slovenia.
Cosentino M & Bellazzi G. 2015. Activism vs Education: when cetacean activism goes wrong. Oral presentation. Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, USA.
Parsons ECM, Cosentino M & Wright AJ. 2015. How to NOT get ahead in advertising – what many conservation NGOs are doing wrong. Oral Presentation at the Joint 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, 2nd-6th August 2015
Cosentino M & Lusseau D. 2014. Effects of whale watching vessels on male sperm whales off Andenes, Norway. Oral presentation. European Cetacean Society Conference, Liège, Belgium.
Cosentino M. 2014. The do’s and don’ts of networking. Oral presentation at the Student’s meeting. European Cetacean Society Conference, Liège, Belgium.
Cañadas A, Cosentino M, Arso M, Esteban R, de Stephanis R. & Verborgh P. Survival rate and estimation of immigration in the Alboran Sea bottlenose dolphin population. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Cosentino M & Acosta Plata M. Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) off Andenes, Northern Norway. European Cetacean Society Conference, Setubal, Portugal.
Cañadas A, Cosentino M, Esteban R & de Stephanis R. Social structure changes of bottlenose dolphins in the Alboran Sea. European Cetacean Society Conference, Setubal, Portugal.
Acosta Plata A, Cosentino M & Kovacic I. Whalesafari Andenes: Case study on the synergy between whale watching and cetacean research. European Cetacean Society Conference, Setubal, Portugal.
Manjarić N, Aizpurua Quiroga I, Broms F, Acosta Plata M, Cosentino M, Vester H, Kovacic I. Feeding humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Northern Norway during the winter. European Cetacean Society Conference, Setubal, Portugal.
Cosentino M, Orfeo M, Acosta Plata M & Kovacic I. Promising results of the first land-based cetacean surveys from Andenes lighthouse, Norway. European Cetacean Society Conference, Galway, Ireland.
Cosentino M & Hartman K. First resightings of killer whales off the Azores Archipelago. European Cetacean Society Conference, Cádiz, Spain.
Cosentino M, Hartman K, Weilermann D, González García L & Visser F. Spatial and temporal distribution of Hyperoodon ampullatus off Pico Island, Azores. European Cetacean Society Conference, Stralsund, Germany.
Weilermann D, Hartman K, Cosentino M, González García L & Visser F. Catalogue of Northern Bottlenose whales off South of Pico Island, Azores. European Cetacean Society Conference, Stralsund, Germany.
Cosentino M, Zimmermann C, Gallego P, Pérez Martín E, Andreu E, Medina B. First recaptures of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) migrating through the Strait of Gibraltar. European Cetacean Society Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Pérez Martín E, Cosentino M, Gallego P, Andreu E, Zimmermann C & Medina B. Skin lesions observed in cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar. European Cetacean Society Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Gallego P, Acero Giménez A, Cosentino M, Perez Martín E, Medina B & Andreu E. Killer whale hunting behaviour and acoustics in the Strait of Gibraltar. European Cetacean Society Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Gallego P, Andréu E, Morales A, Cosentino M, Lott R & Scullion A. Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) Diet in The Strait of Gibraltar. European Cetacean Society Conference, San Sebastian, Spain.