
Mel Cosentino
Feb 3, 20248 min read
The porpoise love knows no boundaries
Those of us who have seen harbour porpoises in the wild know how mysterious they are. You see them right there and then, gone! It can be...

Mel Cosentino
Nov 12, 20234 min read
Talk nerdy to me
We all know porpoises reproduce, but did you ever stop to think how they go about it? They live in a 3D world where everything, including...

Mel Cosentino
Feb 26, 20233 min read
Catch me, if you can!
When we think about harbour porpoises we think about them as predators, top predators actually, feeding on several species of fish and...

Mel Cosentino
Jan 4, 20222 min read
A Spaniard in Denmark
Sara Ortiz is one-of-a-kind lady. She is attracted to animals who live in three-dimensional environments. She works with birds and...

Mel Cosentino
Dec 28, 20212 min read
How do I know it is a porpoise?
How do I know it is a porpoise? When we say “whale” or “dolphin”, most people have at least a general ideal of what they area and what...

Mel Cosentino
Dec 28, 20212 min read
A force of nature
Meet David Nairn. He is the founder of Clyde Porpoise CIC and he currently work delivering environmental projects on the Clyde. His home...